Monday 12 December 2022



Yes a rare happening for us here in the south is a decent layer of snow fell late last night, about two/three inches and because it's so cold it's still here!

Only Zak was prepared to go out into the garden and even he insisted on standing on the folly window ledge to look at the snow.

"I'm not going down there mum!" Zak states " It looks pretty deep and wet!"

"Well you don't have to , I can carry you back" 

" Thanks Mum "

some nice berry on the trees for the birds.

I'm afraid we were soon off back indoors for some hot chocolate for Zak and a cup of tea for me.


  1. Up North we had a little snow yesterday then torrential rain for most of the day so now everywhere is like a set from Dancing on Ice! V. Cold! The weather here is Bi-Polar - it can't make up it's mind what it wants to do! Stay warm (huddled round a candle) and stay out of A&E :)

    1. Dancing on ice! So have you been showing folks your moves? Like desperately running on the spot then twirling, managing to grab an innocent passerby before using them as your landing pad? mm
      We have two candle's here to huddle round and two dogs to use as blankets! and what happening in A&E ? is Santa visiting? Do they have more candles???

  2. The Geordies are astonished by my ice dance moves!! Jealous of your TWO candles -we have four dogs 2 Frenchies for blankets 2 Chihuahuas for ear muffs :) Nothing is happening in A&E that's why you need to stay out of it :)

    1. I've been searching You Tube for the video ! Are you sure nothing happening at A&E ? or is there chocolate and egg nog and you want to keep it for yourself.... ;)

  3. Zak is quite brave to venture out at all. I would have just stayed in with the hot tea.

    1. I know ! I was surprised it was him who wanted to go out and not that cheeky Toby! I'm all for staying in with a nice cuppa.
