Sunday 26 May 2024



Mind you it was spitting of rain first thing today, long enough to soak the dogs on their mornings walk. But then the sun's come out and the sky's turned blue with fluffy white clouds.

The week for me has mainly consisted of me doing some housework, then spending the afternoon sorting through the never ending dolls items I have.

I have spent a few hours on and off, trying shoes on dolls to find out who they fit and then rearranging drawers to house the different dolls shoes, so that I know which belong who! I did manage to clear off the kitchen table for almost a whole day! before the dolls items slow crept back on to form piles of clothing and shoes etc.

The idea from last week of using one of the rainbow drawer units , just for dolls shoes, was started however I was being very optimistic, because today I have had to start clearing out the next rainbow drawer unit for doll shoe use!

One drawer is missing, because it's indoors, full of the things that were in two of the other drawers, that will now need sorting and new homes! 

At the moment I'm still at putting everything back in nice and tidy but there may come a time near the end where some drawers could start to look messy!

Now before you start thinking, she must a problem!, these shoes have been collected on and off over the last twelve years and not all of the drawers are for the Sasha's. There are several drawers for the other sized dolls.

 Today's headliner is the lovely Saffy, wearing a dungaree's set by Sarah , Vintage Sasha and shoes by Rosie Bloom.

Now on the doll front, I have managed to sell another 18 pairs of shoes/ boots, it would have been 19 but I could not find a pair I'd listed!! And even after searching everywhere in the boxes I've been going through, they are still missing! So 18 it is, along with several items of dolls clothing. So slowly but surely things are getting moved on.

Well one doll did arrive this week, Annie, the 68 Sasha and a beauty she is too, even If I do say it myself. So that's the four from the mad five minutes of Sasha mania! 

While sorting shoes, I found some I had to try on the Pongratz dolls for size and several were theirs. I also pulled out a dress I bought for the Pongratz girl , not long after she arrived but's been sitting about in the dolls clothes drawer in it's packet. So finally she was changed.

I washed her clothes, her dress is badly faded in places, which is a shame ( from before my ownership ) and her feet are a little stained where she's been wearing navy socks for so long! I think doll designers should remember this when dressing their dolls, socks need to be white or cream unless made of fabrci that will not transfer the dye.

But now she has some new shoes and a pair of non dyed socks on the way ! 

So I have to confess although 38 pairs of shoes have gone, two pairs did arrive due to Petrana, having a sale of Sasha items on her site. But 38 out and 2 in is I think fine.

I did get in a smocked dress that Michelle had been holding on to , for me plus a cardigan. But again 12 more clothes had left making a total of 24 items and only two arrived ,so still ahead on that. I'd love to say that the place looks empty! But it barely looks touched! Although there was more space in the big chest of drawers until I started finding things and putting them away but I'll get there , even if it takes me the next six months!

Well I'm still searching out things to go and things to stay and be put away , I'd love to say I'd emptied a few more boxes  but not quite yet. So to that end, I'm off to continue, have a lovely healthy week ahead and if a Sasha doll should appear requesting to stay, let her or him , you know you want too ;)



  1. I do want too - so will be adopting another lad very soon .... and I will blame you Sis - YOU made me do it!! :)

    1. Ha ha! See it's just me! I'm happy to take the blame :))

  2. Doll clutter is relentless. Sometimes I wonder why we have so much, but then I see a cute little outfit on Etsy, or a lovely pair of shoes on Ebay...

    1. It is! That is the problem we see something so sweet , we just have to get it or them ! and then their sister/brother complains and its starts again!
