Monday 20 May 2024



I got to talking to my sister Michelle about dolls shoes, and one thing leading to another, she sent me this photo of her Rosie Blooms!

 Alas  she would not let me buy any of these gorgeous colours. She keeps hers in their boxes with the colours written on the outside.

But I like to keep mine in the drawers of one of the units, so I can see the colour straight away and not have to keep opening boxes.

This is one of the drawers with Rosie Bloom shoes in. I am in the process of re arranging how I store them  as I used to have a piece of cardboard sitting on top of these that allowed me to put in another layer of shoes. But that meant a balancing act of trying to hold up the cardboard covered with shoes while trying to see what was underneath!

So now I'm going to just turn the whole of one unit into a shoe caddy.

so these 

and these 

and these , which were a gift from a lovely Sasha friend. Two Rosie and one other. I'll also need to keep an empty drawer as around twenty plus of the dolls are wearing Rosie's B's.

Then we have the Petrana shoes and boots.

More Petrana , this time her Ballerina pumps which are my second favourite doll shoes after the Rosie B's. Again some are on my dolls, including the A girl for all time dolls.

Here we have an assortment including some Jean Jensen, Bonika, Marti , Alcraft and others.

These I am about to sort through, they are for Sasha Baby/toddler and Pongratz dolls and others. So again they need trying on then splitting up into drawers for each doll, and selling on of any un needed.

I still have a small bagful to sort away.

It was good to see my sisters photos of her shoes to know it's not just me!! Maybe some of you would like to send in a photo or two of your bundles of shoes or just your favoutites and I'll post about them at the end of the week.


  1. You can never have too many shoes - at least that's what my girls tell me, and we all know that Sasha's are incapable of lying!

    1. Mmm it's not the Sasha shoes so much as the rest! Those girls can always find another shade of blue! pink! green! that they have to have !
