Friday 17 May 2024



Well with everything happening in the village doll world, Hattie decided she'd best check out what's going on.

I asked her where she had been and she said in the middle of the Sasha's watching and listening to the comings and goings or should she say comings and more comings.. ( at this point she gave me the Hattie stare ! I had to pull my top away from my neck , where it had suddenly gotten quite tight )

"Well" said I," it's the double decker syndrome  ( She continued to stare ) You know I hurried on.. Double Deckers ? "

"A chocolate bar from the old days" Hattie stated 

"Huh ! No " I laughed a little nervously , if I'm honest " no double decker buses " 

She looked confused " Buses ? What have buses got to do with all these dolls arriving since January? "

Speaking with a mothers authority I stated " It's a well known fact that things will either never be seen for ages or they will arrive, like London double decker buses, is pairs or trios "

"So you are blaming all this on double decker buses !" she was not looking impressed

" Well " I huffed " at least it's not what your dad thinks!"

"Which is? "

" That you are all made from a plastic that gives off a drug that makes people want more and more and I am therefore in the middle of having an overdose!! "

Everything went silent, nothing, not even the birds, busy at their nests , made a sound....

After what seemed like ages Hattie sighed " Well if nothing else, it makes you sort out the doll studio " Then she turned and calling to some of the new family members, offered to show them round the garden.

I watched her go followed by the newbies, with more of her brothers and sisters tagging along. Once they had all vanished into the flower garden I relaxed but suddenly tensed again " Oh I wonder if I should mention one's not arrived yet? " I muttered softly.. nah she'll find out soon enough and hey I'm in charge of this village..  I think..

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