Sunday 12 May 2024



Well what a week it's been! the last few days have been gloriously warm and bright , which means we have been outside in the garden on and off. The new back doors have been open to allow the air to circulate and I've fallen off the wagon so far , me butt may well be bruised! More of that later...

Paul's been working on our new garden covered benches. I'll post about them in detail soon in the gardening blog but for now I'll just say I bought them to upgrade them. To that end, Paul added a finial to the top of each one and filled in the space at the side of the seats with some old stained glass.

I bought four old stained glass panels a year or so back intending to use them in some gates/doors we were going to add to the carport. But since that is still an idea in process, when we needed four pieces to fit into the two benches, we decided to use these so they matched. They still need a little work, they do look nice.

The finial still needs staining but we are pleased with the results so far.

Also the man finally turned up from the glazing company to put in the gasket around the new back door and window which they'd run out of when fitting and left us with lots of pieces of blue plastic around each window pane.

So finally we can see out of both sets of windows/doors without bits of blue in the way!

view from the kitchen inside.



So looking lovely and finished and ready for the summer.

For once we had the chance to see what's called the northern light! Normally we are told go out and look up at the sky and if you are lucky and it's not too cloudy etc you will see them. Well up until this week, it's usually been thick cloud cover or rain or some other reason we never got to see it, but finally wonder of wonders it was there covering the sky! Paul took some photos to share showing the amazing colours.




For once seen from the back garden! Amazing show.

Todays headliners are Violet and Sapphire, wearing lovely dresses by Jane McL.

Now I suppose it's time to mention the weeks doll related events... well.. if you remember from last weeks catchup i said about my wish for another 68 girl to join the family... So I decided just to go see what was available round and about.. now there was a doll on eBay which was very nice and an early girl, I checked about her strings and they appeared to be for a 69 girl but still she was nice so I thought if I could get her for the right price she'd be a nice addition to the family. However while her auction was dragging on another girl appeared for sale, she was also a 69 but lovely, should I shouldn't I?? what to do what to do ! long and short I did ! 
Second wheel off the wagon! Then I did still bid on the other girl but didn't want to overbid since she was a 69 and not a 68 that I really really wanted !
Well I didn't win her because I kept to my senses and didn't overbid. However now the need for that 68 was nibbling at me, so I went off on a search and what did I find!! Two available, naturally the cheaper of the two didn't appeal as much as the much dearer of the two!
So then the third wheel fell with a big crash off my wagon!!

Now I needed to fund this madness!!! So I had already been fed up with having to squeeze round all the boxes and bags that had appeared on my doll studio floor! I started by taking out a couple of boxes along with the ever present carrier bags and then I took out the drawers and drawers of doll shoes and boots! 

This was the hoard out of just two bags !!

and this from emptying out a couple of drawers, you'll know what I mean ! So I set about sorting out shoes etc that I had no used or had no used for years, along with a few items of Sasha but also other dolls clothes.

I'd love to say that all the shoes that I am keeping are all nicely placed back into drawers but they are not there are several drawers now holding tidy rows of shoes but more drawers need to be found to hold the over spill.

However the sun has certainly shone on my goods and so far I have sold 20 pairs of shoes/boots and 12 Sasha outfits, 12 Hattie hats and 6 dresses for non Sasha dolls!

Also on the doll front I have sold two non Sasha dolls.! 

I'd love to say that I have now made masses of room but apart from the two dolls the rest have made a very small dent in the scheme of things but much welcome none the less! And I have also made a good dent in my doll spending!

So two dolls have left but three will arrive... and I did splash out on a couple/ three Ginny dresses , well they will need something to wear when they arrive!

Well I must away to box up dolls and sort out posting while singing along to the song going round in my head.... " One wheel on my wagon but I'm still rolling along... " 

Have a lovely fun filled healthy week ahead.


PS Hey Simples ! I'd have given my last wheel if I'd seen your short haired red head .. sob... 


  1. Oh Sis - I won't add to your pain but she was a 68 Waif. BUT she has gone to a lovely lady who I have virtually known for a good few years so she will be loved if that is any consolation. That said can't wait to see your new girls - so make sure you take lots of pics!!

    1. Just you keep rubbing in that salt Sis!! Have never owned a RED haired 68... I'm off to bed until one of my new girls arrives to help take that sting away.......mutter mutter ...

    2. :) :) Don't get bitter - get better Sis!! :) Don't forget to show us the new girls!! I am excited to see them and they aren't even mine!!

    3. I can hear some mumbling from my bed, where I'm sticking pins in an icy looking doll, I mean in her dress to hem it, the wait is long but the bed is cosy....

    4. I know you are but we love you... sometimes.... ;)

  2. Love what Paul has done with the benches and your garden is looking beautiful. Those windows really do allow you a pretty view of it.
    Great snaps of the night sky! According to our local news station, they are expecting more lights tonight, I wonder if I'll remember to look outside??
    Violet and Sapphire are looking very stylish in their dresses, again in fabrics that I love.
    Looks like you've been busy doing what I should be doing, but I'm not motivated enough yet!
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks. That sky was amazing and such a treat to see it without leaving the garden!
      A doll purchase is a good motivator to getting things sold but there is sooo much still that needs to move on..
      hugs x
