Thursday 30 May 2024



Ashley took her baby doll out for a stroll round the flower garden, after a circuit or two, she stopped where she knew others would need to pass her,.

It wasn't long before two of the newbies appeared , also pushing prams.

" Hi " said Ashely as they drew close

" Hi " " Hello" they replied together.

"Lovely weather " continued Ashley " Well between the showers "

"Showers ? " questioned Lola looking up at the sky " Oh is that a grey cloud? "

" Is it? " asked Annie " We'd best head in, come one Lola don't hang about! " and with that they were off!

Ashley considered doing a couple more circuits of the garden but decided to wait a while longer.

Which turned out to be the right decision because just then Ginny arrived from on side closely followed by Bea from the other.

The girls were soon in full swing, Bea stating that Arabella had sent her out to Granny Fortuna's for some bread and jam because she fancied a slice of toast with jam and never mind there was already some in the cupboard , that wasn't crusty enough and she wanted berries and cherries, not plain old strawberry!

Honestly these girls love nothing more than standing about chatting! Hope Bea remembers that Granny's will be closing soon as it her half day! 

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