Friday 31 May 2024



It seems that the power of Sasha is still strong with the force around the village! And try as I might I'm not winning this fight and in truth I don't want too! lol

Back when I had reached number three , of the dolls coming my way, I saw this waif up for sale and although tempted I carried on by.

Then I saw her again and she was still available when I'd reached number four, so being a lover of Enid Blyton and her famous five books, I just had to give in! 

She arrived this week and I'm going to call her Lulu ( I may have used this name before ? ) anyway with her red hair I decided that was the name for her.

Like most of the Gotz dolls, she's missing a few rows of hair here and there and does have the sparse area on top of her head towards her fringe but she's turned out to be much better than I expected.

So this is Lulu an ochre eyed Sasha, like Arabella, who I'm not too sure is going to be happy with another in the village as she liked being unique! 

That's the famous five then..... Do you remember her book Six cousins at Mistletoe farm?.... six.....

There may be trouble ahead...but when there's moonlight and love and romance.. lets face the music and dance.......

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