Monday 13 May 2024



" I've just passed mum's bedroom and she's singing to herself!  Listen !"

From a distance a beautiful voice ( Shut it Simples ! ) sings 

" No wheels on my wagon !

So I'm  not rolling along

Those adoptee's have captured me!

I'm not sad but have been BAD!"

Hey but I'm singing this happy song.... "

Sighing Ashley says " If we're lucky we may have some clothes and shoes left but just in case I'm off to hide my favourites, that mum knows how to lose all the wheels off all of the wagons, at the same time!! " 


  1. PLEASE Postie deliver Dee some dolls so she stops singing :) And also, I am itching to see what made you fall off the wagon so spectacularly!!

  2. Are we nuts??? ROFL!!! We should simply keep our traps shut about selling or rehoming dolls, it never works!!
    Love you!
