Wednesday 15 May 2024



This is Georgette who likes to be called Georgie. She is actually the first doll I adopted in my mad five days but she had to travel here from Europe, so took a little longer to arrive.

It was after Frankie arrived that I decided I really needed a brunette and a blonde sister for her!

I's seen this more waif sitting on the bazaar, with her issues and therefore a nice low low price. So I went off to find her and did a deal! At the time I had to have her hold on while I raised more funds and then she was on her way!

She's needs to have a tear in the arm socket in her torso repaired. She had a hair cut but I love the shorter look , she's got the usual sparse hair at the front but that's fine.

She's also pregnant ! No I lie that's just her dress sticking out and me forgetting to straighten it! No she also has the two sized leg syndrome! So her leg needs to kick out for her to stand properly! Plus she has a tiny white spot under one eye.

So here she is with her sister Frankie, who will show her the ropes and help her get settled in.

So now I just need a blonde. But that will have to wait until the end of the year or until I see just the right girl!, hopefully not till the end of the year! There will be a blonde arriving but not a gotz! 

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