Saturday 2 June 2012


After a good nights sleep Nathaniel is out in the garden chatting to some of his new brothers.

The other boy's are fascinated by Nate's little pig.
" He is very small!" states Toby
" That's because he is a micro pig"
" what's a micro pig?" asks Zak
" It's a pig that will always remain small, he will not get any bigger than he is now" Nate inform's them
Rex , Nate's dog is staring intently into the bushes, he is sure that's a rabbit hiding in there and he'll have it or his names not Rex!

" Can I stroke him?" Toby asks
" Yes " says Nate and Toby carefully strokes the little pigs back.
" What's his name?" asks Zak
"Deux" "What?" " It means two in French" " Why call him two?"
" Because " says Nate " This little piggy went to market and this little piggy stayed at home" he quotes the nursery rhyme using his fingers showing that piggy number two stayed at home. " he is a pet so he will not go to market and I tried calling out two but it sounded silly, so I changed it to Deux"
Toby thought that sounded silly too but he was not going to upset his new big brother who was very nice.
" Yes but why have you got a tiny pig?" enquired Adam
" Well when I grow up I want to be a vet. So I need to look after all sorts of animals so I can do the job well"

The boy's are all impressed by Nathaniel's words.

"Well" says Ben " I have just the job for you"
Nathaniel looks at him in inquiry
" Our Dragon Drago is suffering with a very bad toothache and you could have a look and maybe help him"

Nathaniel looks at Ben in disbelief ! " Are you winding me up?" he demands
" Nope " grin's Ben " Drago is our Dragon and lives in a cavern somewhere in the garden "
" Ok" says Nate Stunned " lead the way.

They leave Rex and Deux behind, Nathaniel not really believing that there is a Dragon but he does not want his pets to become it's next meal.

Within a very short space in time Nate finds himself asking a small Dragon to open his month so that he can look inside !.

"Mmm" says Nate looking in Drago's mouth " Let's just pull this "
" AGrHHhh" growls Drago
" Don't fuss" says Nate tugging at something in Drago's mouth while the Dragon omits grumbling sounds from the back of his throat.
" There that should do it" he states throwing a piece of twig that had been stuck between two of Drago's fangs.
" Haaa" sighed Drago " I wondered where ma tooth pick had gone!"

" Right" says Nate " Keep the bandage on for a few days and that should help give the wound a chance to heal and support your jaw.But no more using wooden twigs to pick your teeth, you must get a proper toothbrush and tooth pick. I'll comeback in a couple of days to check that it's healing properly"

And with those word ringing in Drago's ears Nate  with Toby and Zak head back towards that house and the promise of lemonade and cake.

" He's a Bossy wee lad! " growl's Drago 
" Does it feel any better?" asks Ben
" Aye It does feel much betta"
" Then you should not be complaining!" states Adam
" I'm no complaining" growl's Drago " ama just saying he's a bossy one! That new boy tis all"
" But he fixed you "
" Aye he did he did " agrees  Drago " Well I'm off ta see you's ma to get me some of that lemonade and a nice piece a carrot cake"
The boy's decide that they'll not be the ones to tell him that mum's not likely to give him any lemonade and cake with his sore month! they keep quiet and follow him back to the house making plans to escape before mum gives him the bad news!


  1. What a champion sorting out Drago's sore mouth. A brilliant career as well, he has his head on right this lad does. I bet he works hard at studying as well!

  2. A delightful story especially including bit with the fearful dragon, Drago. Younger kids would be absolutely enthralled and on the edge of their seats with excitement and fear.
    The Micro pigs as house pets were all the rage a little while ago until a few ruthless dealers were selling normal tiny piglets as these expensive Micros and the unsuspecting buyers suddenly soon found themselves with almost huge fully grown pigs living in their homes.

    One of my many nieces who is a great animal lover had decided that she wanted to be a Vet but after watching an animal operation on her first work experience in a local veterinary surgeon's practice decided against it.

    Super to notice that most of your lads are in their Dollydoodle Summer gear. Mine are too. Cool, stylish, comfortable and definitely 'boyish!'

    Sasha love and thanks for the great entertainment. From Kendal.

  3. Ah ha! So it was you who bought the outfit that Nate was wearing, I liked that one :) Am still trying to dress my Doods in DD wear...still a few to go before the Absolutely Massive group photo!
