Friday 5 March 2021


 Yes our third photo  day of the year. Spring is on it's way and the birds are singing and the future is looking good, so lets get started.

First up we have the lovely Katy, Harriet and Daphne all looking ready to greet the Spring in their pretty dresses. Over at Gregoropolis the girls are busy looking for spring wear.

Over in the Gnome house garden Jenny and Ronja are out looking for flowers now the snow is gone, they find some lovely snowdrops and crocuses 

They decide to sit for a while enjoying the sun that is trying to warm the ground , to help the plants grow.

Things are a little upside down over at RoRoPo ! Well for Ruben ! After so long in his box he went to be checked over by the doctors and while waiting decided to do some exercises!

Some sofa presses !

What's this! Tired already! You had best ask the Doctor for some vitamins to help build up that strength !

Here in the village Ollie has found Lucas up in a tree ! "Help !" says Lucas

Ollie starts towards Lucas but the twigs and lower branches are getting caught on his clothes!

" Oh Ouch ! " says Ollie " I think I'm stuck ! MUM.... MUMMMMMMM !"

Over in Wales little Ava is out in the forest exploring and also having a rest on a very nice mossy tree trunk.

Many thanks for those sending in photos to share on the doll photo day, still time to have yours added.



  1. So happy to have dolls I like to look at on ehat seems to ba about the thousandth day of lock down. ESPECIALLY GREAT to see Lucas and Ollie - haven't seen them out and about for ages, have they been hibernating?

  2. Lucas is a handful, that's for sure. Wasn't his former mum always betting into trouble too? Looks like Ruben is ready for action!

  3. Love Harriet's dress! My Harriet says, she could be her twin sister but alas she is not as well clad.... oh my that's an order - back to the sewing machine!
