Tuesday 23 March 2021


 Mabel Lucie decided to change out of her very wintery clothes into a pair of Vintage Sasha dungaree's and a sunhat!

Anyone would think the sun was getting warmer ! It's still quite cold when the clouds cover the sun.

She is wearing one of Hatiie's, Hats with Hattitude which she found when mum was having a tidy up.

She goes to talk to Mr Rabbit over by the studio.

"Hello Young un " said Mr Rabbit

"Hello Sir " smiles Mabel Lucie "  Is it Spring now ? "

"Yes Lass It is offically Spring " Mr Rabbit replies with a chuckle " So soon all you children will be back out running around and causing all sorts of mischief  no doubt !"

" Oh I never cause mischief " says Mabel Lucie " I am always good "

" Really ? Always ? " questions Mr Rabbit with a smile

Mabel Lucie thinks for a few miniutes " Well  almost always " she grins

" That's what I thought " he chuckles " Ain't no children that don't get into some sort of mischief at some time ! Or they wouldn't be chuildren!"

I think we'll leave them having their chat, Mabel Lucie is now asking what's been happening in the garden over winter... it will take sometime for Mr Rabbit to bring her up to date!



  1. Oh this is good Mabel Lucie asked an expert and now we know for sure it IS spring!
    She looks fresh and happy in her spring outfit. I love her hair!

    1. Mabel Lucie is a sensible child and will always ask :)

  2. How nice there are still some Hattie's Hats around! It looks lovely on Mabel Lucie.
    Today the sun is shining here, too, but it is not as warm as it looks. So my kids will have to wait a little longer for short sleeves.

    1. Yes there are still a few but not many of the fancier hats.
      It is not as warm as it looks and yes short sleeves are not quite ready to be used !!
