Saturday 9 January 2016


The unusually mild weather is over and the temperature is dropping as Winter finally decides to make an appearance !

And it is on this chilly Winter day that a newcomer to the Sasha Village arrives.

Tapping loudly on the door they await for  someone to come let them in.

At least they appear to be dressed for the cold chilly weather but wait ! They'd don't have any socks on! Their feet must be freezing !

"Come on I am freezing " mutters the newcomer , at last they can hear someone coming, the door begins to open

Ollie looks out " B...! Oh sorry your not ... Can I help ? "
" Yes you can help by letting me in out of this freezing English wind!" says the newcomer

"I have traveled a long way to live here and it's gotten very cold this last couple of days! " says the boy " So can I come in? "
" Of c c course of c c course " stammers Ollie excitedly " C come in c c come in!"

The new boy smiles sympathetically at his new brother who appears to have a stammer !" Thank you
It will be lovely to get out of this cold wind"

Ollie steps forward and gives him a hug, then stepping back says " I am so happy!" he grins  " You look just  l... l... like my friend B.. B.. Bertie ! "
The boy smiles back at his excited new brother " Then this Bertie must be a handsome lad!" he laughs " Just joking , I'm Peter and you ? "
"I'm Oliver but everyone calls me Ollie !"

"Well Ollie It's great to meet you and maybe you could take me to my new mum, so that I can get a warm drink and something to eat and maybe have a rest? "
"Oh sorry " gasps Ollie " Come on, lets get you settled , I can't wait for you to meet Wolfie !"
Peter looks a little worried " Wolfgang ,he's a Button boy just like us and there are three girls and now we have three boys! ,c come on c c come on.. "
Peter shuts the door carefully, behind him, just checking all's well , then turns to follow his new brother ... thank goodness Wolfie's a brother and not a real Wolf that would have made for a slight problem......


Just a note to say some new photo's have been added to the January shelf post**


  1. Welcome Peter!
    And, please, search for socks, boy! Iget cold feet by watching you :)

    (Lovely photos and so nice little probs, like the owly backpack and the striped benny hat :)

    1. Thank you. My new Mum says I must have a good wash and a change of clothes and socks! What's all the fuss about socks? Mind you they will stop my feet from keep going blue !
      Love Peter

  2. Peter is so handsome and what a perk for the cold wind to land him perfectly on the Sasha Village doorstep! I will hope for cold wind here on Cow Creek to land such a wonderful boy! ;). Ollie is a nice boy to welcome Peter home. I look forward to seeing Peter with Wolfie too. It is nice to see the button boys together. :) xxx

    1. Peter was happy to get here out fo the chilly wind :) I wouldn't mind a few more chill winds , if they all carried a Button nose child!
      Ollie is over the moon to have another button brother, now he is no longer out numbered by those button girls!
      Peter and the will soon all be appearing together :)xx

  3. Don't let him in...he's a Gotz!!

    1. Now Simples! It's cold out there we've Gotz to let him in... :) xx

  4. It's a good thing he had that thick hoodie to wear it's it? ;)

    1. Yes it is mind you I think he must have had it since he was a baby because it's too short for him but at least it kept him warm until he arrived! :)

  5. What a handsome lad this new boy Peter is!
    I look forward to seeing more of him at the Village as he settles in and meets the rest of the gang!!

    1. He is a lovely lad, with the lovely soft and stay in place button hair!
      Once he's had a chance to rest I'm sure the others will be showing him the ropes! :)xx

  6. The year is off to a good start for your Sasha family. I look forward to what Peter and the "Wolf" get up to 🙂

    1. It is Julie , he snuck in late on New Years Eve, when I saw him and just had to adopt him :) Peter and the 'wolf' :) will hopefully behave.... :)

  7. Hello from Spain: I really like your 'children'. Lovely pics. keep in touch

    1. Hello
      Thank you I am glad you enjoyed the pictures :)

  8. That's right....blame it on the chilled outside wind and not on you and your finger pressing the computer BIN key in the warmth of your living room! Nothing IMO could be further from the truth. I just don't know how you are getting away with it about trying to pull the wool over our eyes!
    (Now wondering if three button nosed girls and three button nosed boys are enough in The Village collection or will more of this type be arriving over the next twelve months???)

    1. I did not say I did not adopt him ! I just said he arrived on a chill wind :)) which he did , so not so far from the truth Lady K :)
      I have decided I can never say never as to whether any other button nosed kids could arrive in the coming year, who knows what's just round the corner or just over the horizon , not I...... went a doll calls...... :)x
