Tuesday 2 March 2021


 Well totally forgot to post on the first yesterday. I had been for my first vaccine injection and one thing lead to another and although it did cross my mind about posting, I then wandered off elsewhere.

So March ! the third month of 2021 and the month that brings us the start of spring and those longer warmer days.

The vaccine has made me light headed, so it's a day of sitting about for me. Hopefully it won't last long.

I've been sorting out which dolls need to be adopted, which is hard when it comes to the Sasha's and Gregor's but some do need to move on to a place where they will get more attention.

So just a reminder that doll photo is on the fifth so you can start sending in those doll photos ready for the day.

I wish you all a great month ahead and a happy birthday to anyone celebrating one this month.



  1. Thank you! Yes, March, the month of warmth and plans... I'll try to sort my Sasha and Gregor clothes, and I actually made the first step: I bought six pretty boxes....
    Congrats! You got your injection, a big step back to normal life. I hope the side effects will vanish soon.

    1. Congratulations on getting the pretty boxes :)
      Yes I'm taking that step back to the new normal ! Feeling better already !
