Sunday 15 September 2013


This month's bear will introduce herself..

"Hello Little peoples out there!
My name is Anastasia Rachmanjackov I many years ago was with ze Bolstoys Ballet in Russia,
I will show you on thees map...

See it is here on thee map ! A big country that gets very cold in ze winter time...and see although I am very old I am still able to climb this chair because I do my ballet exercises everyday!
But let us all sit back down again...

That is much of the betters. now where was I  yes..I have no little Miss at present but she will appear when ze time is right.
I love to do the dancing of ze Ballet and teach the little Sasha's and ze bears to dance and feel free from worries and strife !
I am liking the Ruddi , he is my little dorogoy, I see him looking through ze window of ze dance class...Tuesdays Wednesdays..Tuesdays Wednesdays.....He duc'ked quick when I look to him ..ha ha
but I gives him time..he have ze sad poor dorogoy...
Thanks to you for listen in, Anastasia...classes Tuesdays Wednesdays two clocks till five clocks.!



  1. Goodmorning SS-R and Mrs Mum and all the Village Bears!

  2. Gosh! Is it the middle of September already? Time is flying by.

    I was only wondering yesterday why the world map was out and now I know!
    Welcome to the village and I do hope that you will soon have a 'Little Miss' of your own especially if you're not as fussy as Reuben is being!

    My apologies to SS-R! Tried to ignore this post but couldn't!

    1. I to cannot believe it will soon be winter again at this rate!!
      Anastasia liks Reuben or as she calls him Ruddi and is such a sweet little bear except when she is teaching the dance, then she can be a tyrant!, she'll fill her time until the right little Miss or master comes along.

  3. Better late then never! Have I beaten, thought not!! Congratulations to K who is getting very good at this!!

  4. Such a cute little bear, I can hardly wait to see her putting young Master Reuben through his dancing paces!

    1. She is sweet and she is sweet on Reuben!!!!
