Monday 8 February 2021


 But not loads just a gentle continue fall of flakes that are slow to build.

Adam went outside and had a look about then decided he'd wait to see if it really snowed !

Peter button decided he'd watch from the window with Blue boy, the elephant.

Meanwhile Michael is outside enjoying the snow falling.


Since there are only two pairs of proper wellies, he had to get Atticus to give the up, so he could wear them.

Wren ,who is returning from posting a letter, didn't need to use the wellies because her boots are leather and she made sure to avoid any deeper patches of snow.

Meanwhile mum continues to chase after the children to get them all changed into warmer clothes because this cold weather is here for at least the week!  


  1. Yes that's the right amount of snow - a pretty sight, but not a nuisance.
    It's certainly too cold for an elephant to go outside!
    Love Wren's coat.

    1. I have to agree, just enough to get a few photos but not enough to cause a problem.
      Elephants like the sun :)
      Thanks I just got if off ebay :)

  2. All those wonderful warm clothes, coats, anoraks... Your kids are all dressed neat and cosy, very good for a walk in the snow. The little elephant is so sweet!

    1. They like to be warm if it cold outside, they can always remove a coat of the sun comes out or they start running and warm up !
